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    Transform Your Fitness in Just 20 Minutes a Day
    Anytime, Anywhere with Jumptrainer

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    Over 15,000 Satisfied Home Trainers!

     20-Minute a Day

     Detailed Workout & Nutrition Guide

     Weight-loss and Strength Focus

     Get Results or Your Money Back

    ☀️Spring Sale: NOW 40% OFF 

    +BONUS: 'My Nutrition Book' (valued at $29) for FREE

    +BONUS: My Training Guide (valued at $59) for FREE

    +BONUS: Lifetime Access to our training community


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    Get in shape or all your money back

    JumpTrainer: The personal gym that travels with you, offering effective fat loss and muscle-building workouts anywhere, anytime – all in just 20 minutes. Join the community of over 15,000 individuals who have transformed their lives and made fitness enjoyable and unmissable with JumpTrainer.

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    The cordless Digital tracking jumprope

    Over 15'000 Satisfied Home Trainers!

     20-Minute a Day

     Detailed Workout & Nutrition Guide

     Weight-loss and Strength Focus

     Get Results or Your Money Back

    ☀️Spring Sale: NOW 40% OFF 

    +BONUS: 'My Nutrition Book' (valued at $29) for FREE

    +BONUS: My Training Guide (valued at $59) for FREE

    +BONUS: Lifetime Access to our training community


    free worldwide shipping


    Get it shape or all your money back

    JumpTrainer: The personal gym that travels with you, offering effective fat loss and muscle-building workouts anywhere, anytime – all in just 20 minutes. Join the community of over 15,000 individuals who have transformed their lives and made fitness enjoyable and unmissable with JumpTrainer.

    JumpTrainer: The personal gym that travels with you, offering effective fat loss and muscle-building workouts anywhere, anytime – all in just 20 minutes. Join the community of over 15,000 individuals who have transformed their lives and made fitness enjoyable and unmissable with JumpTrainer.

    The Problem With Needing a Gym To Workout

    Chances are, you’ve had a membership to a gym.

    It cost a lot ( $50? $100? More? )

    It was always busy when you wanted to go.

    And it was a pain to get in the car and drive across town to get there.

    That is if you can find the time to fit in a workout.

    What if your gym could come to you?

    Making Motivation Easier

    Sticking to a workout regime is hard enough.

    Keeping consistent ( the key to seeing results ) means removing obstacles.

    It means workouts that fit into a busy schedule.

    A program that is easy to follow.

    A routine that can’t get interrupted ( by the kids or a business trip ).

    What if we made it so easy, simple, and convenient that you were guaranteed results?

     One Workout

    To Beat Them All

    Jumping rope is twice as effective as running.

    Burns more calories than swimming or riding a bike.

    And effectively strengthens bones while building strength.

    Jumping Rope is simply the best workout you can get in the shortest time.

    And Jumptrainer takes the jumping rope to the next level.

     One Workout

    To Beat Them All

    Building a Better Jump Rope 

    We created Jumptrainer to be the perfect training companion.

    A cordless, smart trainer to let you work out on your terms.

    A whole body, effective workout you can do anywhere, anytime.

    A heart-healthy, muscle-building system for the modern man.

    All for less than the price of a couple of weeks at the gym.

    Even better, we’ll ship it right to your door.

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    Free worldwide shipping

    Crush Your Goals, From Anywhere

    Every Jumptrainer purchase includes everything you need to get fit fast.

    A complete ( easy-to-follow ) workout program.

    The Jumptrainer official food guide and healthy menus.

    A weekly journal and a tracking sheet that you'll fill in daily.

    All to keep you motivated and on track.

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    Here’s How It Works


    It only takes a few minutes a day to start seeing results from Jumptrainer.

    • Turn on your Jumptrainer and enter your current weight

    • Complete a workout ( from your workout planner )

    • Record the workout details in your exercise log

    Jumptrainer tracks your workouts and the details you need to know you’re making progress: total jumps, calories burned, and total workout time.


    The JumpTrainer is a digital tracking cordless jump rope. This makes following the program easy and fun. In the program, you're given a certain amount of jumps to complete each day. The food guide shows you exactly what and how to eat to reach your goals. The community Facebook Group gives you the accountability you need, as well as a place to connect and meet others, get inspired, and learn more about health and nutrition.

    The cordless design makes the amazing benefits of jumping accessible for everyone, no matter your fitness level. Jumping rope is one of the most effective exercises for losing weight and burning calories, nearly twice as effective as running. Jumping is proven to strengthen your bones, your legs, calves, butt, shoulders, and back. As well as improving heart health, agility, coordination, and more. In other words, it's a full-body exercise. With the cordless design, you're not limited by space or location. You can workout anywhere, anytime without stepping on the rope or interrupting your workout.

    The Smartballs and weighted handles make it feel just like using a regular jump rope.

    JumpTrainer is suited for anyone looking to improve their fitness from home. With only 20 minutes a day, it makes it easy to fit into any lifestyle, no matter how busy you are or what's on your plate. We understand that establishing a solid training routine can be hard, and not everyone has the time or will to spend hours in the gym. Therefore, JumpTrainer is a great solution to keep your health and fitness on track, not having to leave your house or spend all day long.

    The program is designed to improve your fitness, health, and losing weight - and strengthen your entire body. The program includes a motivation sheet, a journal, and a tracking sheet that you'll be filling in daily - keeping you motivated and on track. It starts fairly easy and gets progressively harder each week - making sure you're increasing the intensity over time (progressive overload). If you manage to complete all 10 weeks, you are rewarded with our VIP program.

    Why Cordless?

    JumpTrainer makes the amazing benefits of jumping accessible for everyone.

    ✓ Workout anywhere, anytime

    ✓ For all fitness levels

    ✓ No space restrictions

    ✓ No noisy cables, stepping on the rope, or interrupting your workouts

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    You Won’t Be Doing This Alone

    A community that supports you and keeps you accountable.

    Every Jumptrainer purchase gets you access to our private Facebook community.

    A place to find support and encouragement to keep you moving toward your goals.

    Are you ready to join us?

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    Free worldwide shipping

    We Believe In The Jumptrainer,

    & we Believe in You

    We’ve helped over 15,000 people get fitter and feel better by working out with the JumpTrainer, and now we want to help you.

    We believe so much in the power of JumpTrainer that if you’re not satisfied with your purchase, for any reason, any reason at all, we’ll give you 90 days to request a full refund.

    Try JumpTrainer risk-free. If you aren’t satisfied within 90 days, return it, free of charge, and get all your money back.


    Certified Personal Trainers

    Over 20 years of experience in fitness, nutrition, and weight loss.

    Helped thousands of people get in shape through JumpTrainer.

    Helped thousands of people get in shape through JumpTrainer. One #1 priority here at JumpTrainer is your progress and development. This means we stand by our products 100%, no matter what, no questions asked. If you have a problem, we will solve it. Contact our Customer Service team, and we’ll do everything possible to help.

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    We All Want To Be Healthy Until Life Gets In The Way

    Losing weight, eating healthy, and staying consistent can be daunting.

    We often start exercising, but then life gets in the way, motivation fades, and we quit.

    The most common reason is the lack of a plan, knowledge, and accountability.

    With JumpTrainer, every part of the routine is carefully planned to ensure the highest likeliness of your success. Utilizing our training program and food guide, based on the latest research, you’ll know exactly how to train, what to eat, and stick with it.

    You won’t do this alone. Our community consists of people embarking on the same journey with the same goals as you. Here, you will get the accountability and support you need, which is essential for consistency.

    We All Want To Be Healthy Until Life Gets In The Way

    Losing weight, eating healthy, and staying consistent can be daunting.

    We often start exercising, but then life gets in the way, motivation fades, and we quit.

    The most common reason is the lack of a plan, knowledge, and accountability.

    With JumpTrainer, every part of the routine is carefully planned to ensure the highest likeliness of your success. Utilizing our training program and food guide, based on the latest research, you’ll know exactly how to train, what to eat, and stick with it.

    You won’t do this alone. Our community consists of people embarking on the same journey with the same goals as you. Here, you will get the accountability and support you need, which is essential for consistency.


    What makes Jumptrainer different from a regular jump rope?

    Jumptrainer is a cordless, smart training tool designed for maximum efficiency and convenience. Unlike a regular jump rope, it allows for a full-body workout without needing a large space or dealing with tangled ropes. It's designed to be portable, so you can work out anytime, anywhere.

    Can I use Jumptrainer if I'm a beginner?

    Absolutely! Jumptrainer is suitable for individuals of all fitness levels, from beginners to seasoned athletes. The included workout program is easy to follow and can be adapted to your fitness level and goals.

    How long does it take to see results with Jumptrainer?

    Results vary based on individual effort and consistency. However, many users start noticing improvements in their fitness levels within a few weeks of regular use. Consistency is critical – just 20 minutes a day can lead to significant changes.

    Is Jumptrainer suitable for all ages and fitness levels?

    Yes, Jumptrainer is designed for people of all ages and fitness levels. Its low-impact, high-efficiency workouts are effective for everyone, from young adults to seniors looking to maintain or improve their fitness.

    Do I need any additional equipment to use Jumptrainer?

    No, Jumptrainer has everything you need for a complete workout. There's no need for additional equipment, making it an ideal solution for home workouts or traveling.

    How portable is Jumptrainer?

    The Jumptrainer is highly portable. Its cordless design makes it compact and easy to carry in a bag or backpack, allowing you to work out at home, in the office, or on the go.

    What kind of support material comes with Jumptrainer?

    Each Jumptrainer purchase includes a comprehensive workout program, a food guide with healthy menus, a weekly journal, and a daily tracking sheet to keep you motivated and on track.

    Can I adjust the intensity of my Jumptrainer workouts?

    Yes, Jumptrainer workouts can be easily adjusted to match your fitness level and goals. You can modify the intensity and duration to create a personalized workout experience.

    Is there a warranty or return policy for Jumptrainer?

     Jumptrainer comes with a satisfaction guarantee. If you are unsatisfied, you can return it within 90 days for a full refund. Please check our policy for detailed terms and conditions.

    How do I get started with Jumptrainer?

    Getting started is easy! Once you receive your Jumptrainer, follow the included workout program and use the tracking tools to monitor your progress. You'll be on your way to achieving your fitness goals quickly.